About Hamster

Tuesday 3 April 2012 11:02 Posted by Naughty Boy


Hamsters are mammals and belong to the rodent family.

The name Hamster is German for ‘Hamstern’, which means ‘to hoard’. Hamsters originally inhabited semi desserts so for this reason they are nocturnal which means they are only active at night. This behaviour originated to avoid the heat during the day so they come out when it is cooler at night. They inhabit burrows with many tunnels and chambers where they store food and sleep.

Hamsters have very poor eyesight but a keen sense of smell and excellent hearing.

Handling and Taming

Hamsters are very lovable once tamed and enjoy the company of their human companions and can live for up to 2 years.

It is best to tame them when they are young and it is very important that your hamster gets to know your voice.

To pick up a hamster, gently cup your hands around them. Never pick them up under their front legs, as this is where their very delicate lungs are. Hamsters will soon learn your smell and become familiar with you.

Hamsters only bite when frightened so if they bite let them calm down then try again later. Never rush the taming process as your hamster may lose trust in you. Generally, it can take up to three weeks to tame a hamster.

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