Fighter Fish

Monday 2 April 2012 05:09 Posted by Naughty Boy

While many people love the Fighter Fish, also known as the Betta Fish. Most people have no idea how many different colors the fish come in. Throughout this post you will learn about all of the various different known colors of the Betta Splendens and their uniqueness…
Because of their vast range of colors and tail shapes the Fighter Fish has become known as “The Jewel Of The Orient”. They are truly a magnificent sight to behold with all of their shinning glory and make quite the center piece of have in your home.
The Betta Fish or Siamese Fighter Fish comes in many different colors, some that have been created through generations of selective breeding…


                            Solid red Betta Fish

                                                 Orange Fighter Fish

                                                         Steel Blue Betta Fish 

                                                         White Fighter Fish

                                                         Brilliant lemon yellows

                                                         lavender Betta

                                                         Green Betta Splendens

                                                         Solid Royal Blue


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