Cats need a house or not?
For general knowledge, cats do not need a house or a cage to defend him. However, forbeginning to tame it, maybe the cage is required. If the cat has grown up and have been tame, cats need to be released and live outside.
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Cat Housing
Welcome to our blog! Our blog provides information about pets at home. You have a hobby to keep pets? But you lack information or do not know how to look after it? Thats why we're here! We provide alot of information about pets, regardless of the types, food, how to care, housing, and more. So what are we waiting for, let's see what is so special about this blog! If you have any good idea to increase our productivity, please let us know. Support us and give any comment. We try our best to solve your problem. Enjoy it ! We proudly present, PETS ARE Yours!
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